Olga Dannenbrink
Variations of name: Olga Donebrink.
Address: 1373 Ashland Avenue.
Married: 1905, to
Louis Luetgert.
Died: 1945.
An acquaintance of the Schimke sisters, who later married Louis Luetgert.
When Deneen was cross-examining Rosa Gleich about the events on the night of
May 1, he asked "Do you know a girl named Olga Donebrink (sic), who lives at
1373 Ashland Avenue?"
"Yes, sir."
"Didn't you state to her less than two weeks ago that you were not with Emma
Schimpke the night of May 1?"
"No, sir, I did not." (Chicago Record, September 23, 1897.)